Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Computer Survey

1) How many working computers are there in your home? (none, one, two, three etc.?)There are 2 working computers in my house hold
2) Do your home computers run on Windows or some other operating system such as Linux?they both run on windows
3) Are you allowed to use a computer at home unsupervised in your own room (with the door closed) or is it in a public room where parents can see the screen?I use my computer unsupervised
4) Does your family own a laptop or netbook? Do you use it?both the computers are laptops
5) Does your family have internet access? If so is it ADSL1 or 2, mobile broadband, cable or dialup?yes, we have adsl2]
6) Does your family have wireless?No
7) Which browser or browsers do you use at home? Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, other?Google chrome
8) What is your preferred search engine?google
9) Does your family use VOIP (voice over internet protocol) for phone calls?No they do not
10) Have you ever made a video and uploaded it to Youtube?Yes I have
11) Do you have a Facebook, Bebo or Myspace account that you use from time to time? How often?yes I do I use it often
12) Can you access your bank account (if you have one) online?I do not have one
13) Have you ever bought something over the internet through a site such as EBay or Amazon? What have you bought?No I have not14) List your three favorite online gamesStartcraft, Company Of Heros, WoW(world of warcraft) 15) What do you do on the Internet. Number in this way2 = often1 = sometimes0 = never0) look up answers to homework, 2) real time chat or messaging using IM, Skype etc.,0) email2) on line games, 2) watch Youtube videos, 2) surf the web,2) search using a search engine2) visit social networking sites such as Facebook, Bebo, Myspace2) downloading music or movies or games1) write in my blog, wiki or website


I made this cube by using the square creation tool on inkscape. i made three squares and rearranged them so they looked like a 3d cube,


I made these shapes by using the star tool on inkscape, i then distorted them by using the transform button i also change the outline of them and coloured them in


i made these shapes by using the spiral tool in inkscape. i made 6 spirals then change the colour of all of them and transperency for some, i also change the outline and the width of it


I made these shapes using the elipses tool on Ink scape, i change there shape and made the opacity lower for most of them to make them more transperent. i made the pacman looking shape by making a circle then moving the transforming mouse tool to make the triangle shape.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mobile survey

1) Do you own a mobile phone?
Yes I do

2) If so provide the brand name and any other specifications if you know them

3) How many mobile phones have you owned so far in your life?
I have owned 2 phones

4) What do you use your phone for? Number in this way

2 = often
1 = sometimes
0 = never

2) phone calls
2) SMS for text messaging
1) listen to music MP3
0) take photos
2) file transfer using Bluetooth
1) internet browsing
1) playing games
0) video recording
1) watching videos MP4
0) money transfer
0) buying stuff over the internet
2) alarm
2) memory card reader (SD)
0) USB (you use your phone to store and transfer files)
0) wireless modem for a personal computer
0) GPS (global positioning system) navigation
0) GDO (garage door opener)

5) Does your phone have a full QWERTY keyboard, either slide out or touch screen?
No it Doesn’t.

6) How would you feel if you were not allowed to use your mobile phone anymore?
i would be ok with it.

7) Should mobile phones be banned at school because they distract students? Give reasons for your answer
Yes because it will distract the owner and other students if it rings.

T.V Survey

1) How many TVs are there in your home?
There are 4 T.Vs in my home.

2) Is there a quiet room in your home where you can do home work?

3) In what room do you do your home work?
My Room.

4) Estimate how many hours a week you spend watching TV?

5) What is your favorite TV show?
The Simpons.

6) Explain why you like your favourite TV show?
its enjoyable to watch.

7) Does your family watch any particular TV show together? If yes, say which show.

8) Do any of your pets watch TV?
My puppy does sometimes.

10) How would you feel if TV was banned in your home?
I would be very annoyed yet also i would be happy because then it will make have to do something else.

11) Anything else you want to say about TV?
its the best technology made to date.